
April Reed RN


These iPads have made connecting out hospital patients to their doctor appointments a success. These iPads allow us to use OTN (a secure encrypted network) and are the ideal bedside tool for connecting patient appointments when COVID concerns limit our ability to transfer patients between campuses or even to conference rooms. The iPads also allow us to send secure links to essential family or friends critical to the patients supportive care. Thank you.

- April Reed RN

Susan Doyle


Thank you T2B for providing me with the armour and weapons to wage my own battle. All wrapped up in strength & love!

- Lynn Mitchell RN, BN

Jeannie Samson RN


The iPADS are so beneficial for our Telemedicine program. Using them to facilitate patient appointments with Ouellette patients and connecting these patients to cancer center doctors at the MET site, as well as being able to send links to family members so that they can participate in these important appointments as well. I wanted to reach out to you and let you know how much we appreciate everything T2B is able to do for our community. This is just one example of how T2B is helping patients and their families.

- Jeannie Samson RN

Susan Doyle


“Thank you T2B for providing me with the armor and weapons to wage my own battle. All wrapped up in strength & love!”

- Susan Doyle

Shelley Spina


Thank you to all of you for doing the great job you do in providing comfort to patients and their families at a most difficult time. Our family experienced your generosity and kindness last year when my father was there.

- Shelley Spina

Mary Rodgers


Thank you T2B. Your generous donations helped my family connect with our father when he was in the hospital and visitation was restricted. It was an essential lifeline for us to communicate with him. As an elderly man with hearing issues, phones were not an option in speaking with him. Communicating through the ipad provided a lot of confidence and comfort to him and to us. It also allowed him to communicate with out-of-town family, who may not have been able to speak to him using alternative means. Even after the pandemic is over, these ipads will still be amazing tools to help ease the feeling of loneliness to those in need during their hospital stay. We can't thank you enough for your donation.

- Mary Rodgers

Tina Collins-Babechuk


Those comfort totes mean so much to the patients receiving treatment at the Cancer Clinic. I was unlucky enough to be there but lucky enough to receive one 1.5 years ago, a very kind gesture and did not go unnoticed.

- Tina Collins-Babechuk

Roxanne Gouin


T2B is the best! I work on the oncology floor as a housekeeper, and I get to see firsthand a patient's face light up after receiving comfort from T2B.

- Roxanne Gouin

Mayra Mabel Leal Perez


Thank you to T2B and the great supporters of this amazing program. I am privileged to be part of the care team at WRCC. Our staff are very excited and our patients are thrilled. Thank you for your generosity.

- Mayra Mabel Leal Perez

Mark Sementilli


Gabriel and his family would end up using this very program to virtually visit with his Nonno for the last few weeks, before Nonno passed away in the hospital due to Parkinson's. This program had such an impact on him and his family that all funeral donations in Nonno's name, Frank Sementilli, were directed to the T2B – iPad Program.

- Mark Sementilli

Rose Ann Charko-Andrian


T2B was such a pleasant surprise and COMFORT to our family last year. Truly appreciate your thoughtfulness to those going through dark times.

- Rose Ann Charko-Andrian

Michael Dame


The donation of these iPADs has been instrumental in connecting families with their loved ones during these difficult times. Particularly in a border city with the current international travel restrictions, the ability to have virtual face-to-face visiting with loved ones both in their final hours and while hospitalized has provided our patients and their families with some comfort and for that we are grateful. We’ve virtually connected family from the United States and for Europe with their loved ones; truly a gift. Thank you for everything that you do for us here at HDGH their families.

- Michael Dame

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100% of the donations we receive are used right here at home.

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Contact Us


If you have any questions regarding T2B, your involvement or ways to get involved, we invite you to contact the T2B office at your convenience.

Transition to Betterness is located at:
3200 Deziel Drive, Unit 307
Windsor, Ontario N8W 5K8

Office Contact Information

Email: info@t2b.ca 
Office: 519-944-5143 
Fax: 519-944-2590

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