Sandra Presland

Sandra Presland
Marketing & Fundraising Manager
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 519-944-5143 ext. 2
What her position is responsible for:
I help organize and plan our fundraisers, including our annual gala, third party events such as Cinco De Mayo and events hosted by our amazing youth ambassadors. I manage details such as; itineraries, booking live entertainment, contracting vendors and assist with setting up and teardown down each event. Additionally, I help with all of our social media, advertising, website updates and graphic design.
Her favorite comfort/program that T2B provides:
Comfort Blankets
Ask her about:
Any of our event details, what events we have coming up, how you can get involved, and becoming a third party event host!
Why she works for T2B:
I started with T2B as a volunteer on our Action Committee in January 2016 and it quickly became my passion. I saw first hand all of the people in our community that T2B supported and it became my mission to help as many people as I could. I love working events and helping my community and at T2B I can do both. Furthermore, I couldn’t have asked for a better team to work alongside of. I truly love what I do!