Windsor, ON - Caesars Windsor donates $25,000 to Transition to Betterness on December 3, 2015 at Windsor Regional Hospital for T2B’s room refurbishment program.Through its annual Concerts for a Cure campaign, Caesars Windsor has donated $25,000 to Transition to Betterness’ room refurbishment program.
Thanks to this generous donation, a semi-private room at Windsor Regional Hospital Met Campus Oncology Unit 4 West has been transformed to provide patients and their families with a more private and comfortable environment. These modernized T2B rooms feature warm colours, wood trimming and flooring, flat screen televisions with prepaid cable, a fridge, and a sleeper chair, all with the special touches of a family home. T2B official spokesperson, Dave Hunter, of the Dave and Chuck the Freak Show on 101WRIF said, “Since the first room refurbishment 19 years ago, T2B has shattered Windsor-Essex expectations about providing comfort to patients and their families impacted by a life altering illness.”
Windsor, ON – T2B official spokesperson, Dave Hunter, of the Dave and Chuck the Freak Show on 101WRIF (left) presents the refurbished room plaque to Scott Jenkins, Director of Advertising for Caesars Windsor. I
Windsor, ON – Caesars Windsor Vice President of Human Resources and T2B volunteer, Kelly Wolfe-Gregoire (left) and T2B Executive Director, Amber Hunter, present the refurbished room plaque. n addition to our refurbished rooms on 4W, patients and families can find T2B’s other programs like the Concierge Program, Comfort Cart and Comfort Blanket Program. The Concierge Program operates daily to provide patients and their families with support,...